Now that school is out for the summer (I sure hope your school is out by now!). If you are like me, you are looking for new resources to make for next year. In addition, if you are like me, you may be frequenting more yard sales or garage sales during the summer. That being a possibility, I would like to post a couple of my "finds" from yard sales that have turned into wonderful and useful classroom resources, just in case you may run into any of these items at your local garage sale (or Goodwill). Hence, Be On the Look Out ...
The first one is something the office at one of my schools was throwing out. What?! Trash? I think not!
This is one of those binder/stands that one used to keep forms and pages of phone numbers etc. in to have them handy at your desk. With everything on the computer now, they didn't need them anymore.
What I did was to convert this to a wonderful resource for my writing center.
I added many, many different things that I wanted my Firsties to be able to easily access. Everything from letter formation, letter writing templates, names of people they could write to (principal etc.) picture dictionary/vocabulary pages, and so much more.
I keep little pieces of scratch paper nearby so that they can copy words they need and take it to their table.
You can do the same thing with a binder, but this is such a fun way to display them. I often see my kiddos just flipping through and reading the pages!
Keep your eyes open for one of these handy dandy things. You might even want to ask your school sec'y or office manager if they have one tucked away that they may not want anymore.
So... Be On the Look Out for more BOLO posts from me to think about when you are out and about.
