Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Resources

I am determined to get to all of the things that I've been wanting to post and was, of course, waiting until school got out. Well, I have been out of school for two weeks now, and instead of catching up on my blog, I have spent most of the time creating new resources for TpT. So, to kill two birds with one stone, please check out and grab copies of my FREE stuff as soon as you have a chance (only free until July 4th). I keep things up for free for a couple of weeks and whenever I have something new to put up, I try to take something down (meaning price it and put it in my store). Believe it or not, I have lots and lots of new resources almost ready to post so hurry up and get what there is now, before they are replaced with even more "stuff" for you.
Here are a couple of shots of things that are available currently:

These are great for Math Meeting or Daily Calendar.
And for my CANADIAN friends:
Canadian Coin Counting Calendar Cards

Pre-Primer Dolch/Sight Word Card Set

Please take a minute to check these out, as well as everything else currently free!
